BPC Team

  • Howard T. Cash | Executive Director

    “My fine-art and documentary photography demands I have a conversation in threes: first with myself, second with my audience and finally with history.”

  • Rudy Collins | President

    “I see myself, documenting the physical changes of Harlem.”

  • Debi Jackson | Treasurer

    “Every moment in life is a gift. My photography captures life’s moments so they can exist for an eternity.”

  • Melanie Hill | Secretary

    “I speak thru the camera and the lens is my mic”

  • Gerald Peart | Media Coordinator

    “A Creative Art Form that’s a Business”

  • Glenda Jones | Member

    “Photography is my vehicle to share the beauty and uniqueness of people and places around the world that I have been blessed to have laid eyes upon throughout my life. “