Every picture tells the story of someone’s life and their culture. Her lens is the recorder of culture and specifically that of women and children around the world with a particular focus on Africa due to its tremendous diversity. Glenda, is a graduate of Central State University in Wilberforce Ohio and nationally recognized photographer. 

In 2012, 2015 and 2016 Glenda was afforded the opportunity to travel to the OMO Valley of Ethiopia. The works emanating from these trips showcase some of the oldest, indigenous African groups on the continent.  The OMO Valley photos are part of her ongoing collection entitled THE AFRICA I SEE. 

In addition to her Africa work, Glenda is currently photographing our Military Heroes. She works with the NY Chapter of the Montford Point Marines and the NY original Tuskegee Airmen;  capturing them in their sunshine years. 

FINALLY MAMA, YOU TOOK MY PICTURE. August 2012, Omo Valley, Ethopia

FINALLY MAMA, YOU TOOK MY PICTURE!!! Omo Valley, Ethiopia, 2012.